September 5th onwards 1997

I wasn't too sure about taking my badminton trainers all the way to Dresden, but it was a good game on Friday evening, and fortunately we didn't go to the disco in the end! Here are some of the impressive buildings which August the Strong built from 1700 onwards, and the Allied air forces destroyed to large extent.




August and Ste.





August the Strong again, looking a little thinner - artistic licence Christina told me!







The main Church, a pile of rubble in the centre of Dresden since the second world war, is now being rebuilt using charitable donations.



Angelic Christina.





Old murals may not be as old as they seem!






Ste at the Zwinger, Glockenspiel in the background.






Glockenspiel, with its forty Meissen porcelain bells. I liked the Glockenspiel a lot.



Neustadt, where all the women wore black leather and walked vicious looking dogs, and all the men stared at Christina.






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